Results for 'R. K. Omelʹchuk'

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    Ontologii︠a︡ very: monografii︠a︡.R. K. Omelʹchuk - 2011 - Moskva: ROSSPĖN.
    Работа будет интересна преподавателям, аспирантам и студентам гуманитарных специальностей и тем, кто интересуется проблемами становления личности.
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    Vera -- ėkzistent︠s︡ialʹnyĭ otvet istine.R. K. Omelʹchuk - 2011 - Sankt-Peterburg: Aleteĭi︠a︡.
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  3. R. K. Merton's concepts of function and functionalism.Hugh R. K. Lehman - 1966 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 9 (1-4):274 – 283.
    In this paper an attempt is made to provide an analysis of the meaning of the term function and related terms as they are used by R. K. Merton in the first chapter of his book Social Theory and Social Structure. Several problems are suggested which must be solved if statements about functions are to be considered scientifically adequate. Secondly the term functionalism is defined and several of Merton's functionalist explanations of social phenomena are stated and criticized.
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  4. Classical relevant logics. I.R. K. Meyer & Richard Routley - 1973 - Studia Logica 32:51.
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    Louis Arnaud Reid: A remembrance.R. K. Elliott - 1986 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 20 (1):3–6.
    R K Elliott; Louis Arnaud Reid: a remembrance, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 20, Issue 1, 30 May 2006, Pages 3–6,
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    The concept of avaktavya in jainism.R. K. Tripathi - 1968 - Philosophy East and West 18 (3):187-193.
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    John Bowring and Unitarianism*: R. K. Webb.R. K. Webb - 1992 - Utilitas 4 (1):43-79.
    For those to whom John Bowring's name means anything, the most likely association with it is the complex and question-begging term ‘Benthamite’. Contemporaries certainly used the term, particularly when they wanted to suggest that his actions were narrowly ideological or theoretical. But to some of Bowring's contemporaries another association served hostile intent almost as well: his Unitarianism.
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    Pure Denumerable Lukasiewiczian Implication.R. K. Meyer - 1968 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 33 (2):308-308.
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    Self-absorption in soft X-ray spectra of alloys.R. K. Dimond - 1967 - Philosophical Magazine 15 (135):631-634.
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    Aesthetics, Imagination and the Unity of Experience.R. K. Elliott & Paul Crowther - 2006 - Routledge.
    R.K. Elliott's essays on aesthetics put forward a number of common themes that together constitute a unified approach to aesthetics. Throughout his writing, Elliott combines analytic rigour with sympathy for ideas in continental philosophy. This book, the first to gather together Elliott's key essays, powerfully illuminates the unifying role of imagination and the aesthetic in human experience.
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    Beyond the IRB: Examining common but rarely explored ethical issues in psychosocial research.R. K. Matsuyama, L. J. Lyckholm, M. E. Lowe & M. B. Edmond - 2007 - Monash Bioethics Review 26 (3):S49-S59.
    This article discusses common ethical and practical considerations in psychosocial and behavioral research in healthcare. Issues such as appropriate objectives and intent, risk-benefit ratios, research design, and human subject protection are explored. The burden of ethical research design and implementation is placed on the investigator, rather than relying solely on institutional review boards to judge individual projects. The benefit of acquisition of knowledge must be balanced against the burdens of the research on society in general and human subjects specifically. Scientific (...)
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  12. Education and human being.R. K. Elliott - 1975 - In Stuart C. Brown, Philosophers discuss education. London: Macmillan Press. pp. 45--72.
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  13. IT project implementation strategies for effective changes.R. K. Palitha, M. Purnendu & S. Ross - forthcoming - A Critical Review.
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  14. Vaishṇava purāṇoṃ meṃ sr̥shṭi-varṇana.R. K. Upadhyaya - 1991 - Mujaphpharapura, Bihāra: Abhimanyu Prakāśana.
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    The Nature and Significance of Spirituality.R. K. Tripathi - 1982 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 9 (2):167-176.
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    Emergence of drug resistance in microbes, its dissemination and target modification of antibiotics: A life threatening problem to human society.R. K. Upadhyay - 2011 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 2 (5):119-126.
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  17. 39. Improving Moisture Availability for Increasing Crop Yields in Sierozemic Drylands.R. K. Malik - 1992 - In B. C. Chattopadhyay, Science and technology for rural development. New Delhi: S. Chand & Co.. pp. 293.
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    Discriminatively trained continuous Hindi speech recognition using integrated acoustic features and recurrent neural network language modeling.R. K. Aggarwal & A. Kumar - 2020 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 30 (1):165-179.
    This paper implements the continuous Hindi Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) system using the proposed integrated features vector with Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) based Language Modeling (LM). The proposed system also implements the speaker adaptation using Maximum-Likelihood Linear Regression (MLLR) and Constrained Maximum likelihood Linear Regression (C-MLLR). This system is discriminatively trained by Maximum Mutual Information (MMI) and Minimum Phone Error (MPE) techniques with 256 Gaussian mixture per Hidden Markov Model(HMM) state. The training of the baseline system has been done using (...)
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  19. Education in Southern Africa with Special Reference to Namibia: Development and Future Perspectives.R. K. Auala - 1990 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 10 (1-2):45-56.
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    Enhancement of cube texture in Ni by the addition of W or Mo.R. K. Ray & P. P. Bhattacharjee - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (16):2417-2426.
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    The ‘war on drugs’ has failed: Is decriminalisation of drug use a solution to the problem in South Africa?R. K. Fellingham, A. Dhai, Y. Guidozzi & J. Gardner - 2012 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 5 (2).
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  22. C, ed.R. K. Forman - 1990 - In Robert K. C. Forman, The Problem of Pure Consciousness: Mysticism and Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Note on Plato, Phaedo, 99d sqq.R. K. Gaye - 1901 - The Classical Review 15 (05):249-.
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    Dislocation etch pits in vanadium carbide monocrystals.R. K. Govila - 1970 - Philosophical Magazine 22 (176):431-436.
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    Gandhi on Conversion.R. K. Gupta - 2003 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 30 (2):263-270.
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  26. Phenomenalism, Idealism and Mentalism. A Historical Note.R. K. Gupta - 1984 - Philosophia Naturalis 21 (1):157.
  27. What is a Criterion? - Some Reflections.R. K. Gupta - 1978 - Philosophia Naturalis 17 (2):215.
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  28. "Organon" Aristoteli︠a︡.R. K. Lukanin & Vasilii Vasil Evich Sokolov - 1984 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka". Edited by Vasiliĭ Vasilʹevich Sokolov.
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  29. Some economic Factors in Seventeenth Century English Science.R. K. Merton - 1937 - Scientia 31 (62):142.
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  30. Two Approaches to the Problems of Evil.R. K. Tripathi - 1977 - Journal of Dharma 2:312-317.
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  31. The Ethics of the Physician-Patient relationship: The Anglo-American Approach in the European Context.R. K. Lie - 2002 - In Reidar Krummradt Lie, Healthy thoughts: European perspectives on health care ethics. Sterling, Va.: Peeters.
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    Thinking and Working.R. K. Scheer - 1991 - Philosophical Investigations 14 (4):293-310.
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    Distribution of boron within the microstructure of a ferritic steel determined using secondary ion mass spectrometry.R. K. Wild, P. J. Heard & P. E. J. Flewitt - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (9):1277-1286.
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  34. Incomplete Symbols Again: A Reply to Mr. Urmson.R. K. Perkins - 1974 - Analysis 35 (1):29.
    Urmson is correct in holding that russell's use of "logical fiction" does usually involve ontological implications. But the issue is more complex than he seems to realize. Because russell's program of logical construction is revisionary, The question "are there really x's?" is ambiguous and can be taken as asking either: (a) are there x's as thought of pre-Analytically? or (b) are there x's as thought of post-Analytically? russell gives different answers in each case.
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  35. The philosophy of Ramanuja: Some salient features.R. K. Panda - 2002 - In Ravīndra Kumāra Paṇḍā, Studies in Vedānta philosophy. Delhi: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan. pp. 195.
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    Urmson on Russell's Incomplete Symbols.R. K. Perkins - 1972 - Analysis 32 (6):200 - 203.
    J. o. urmson's contention that russell held that 'to show that 'x' is an incomplete symbol is tantamount to showing that there are no x's' is shown to rest partly upon a misreading of "principia", pp. 71-72, where russell reveals what he means by a 'definite proof' that a symbol is incomplete, and partly upon a misunderstanding of russell's use of the expression 'logical fiction'.
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    Free Will.R. K. Scheer - 1990 - Philosophical Investigations 13 (3):197-212.
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    A correction to 'The case for the Tolman-Lewin interpretation of learning.'.R. K. White - 1943 - Psychological Review 50 (4):438-439.
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  39. De quelques facteurs économiques dans la science anglaise du dix-septième siècle.R. K. Merton - 1937 - Scientia 31 (62):du Supplém. 59.
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  40. Almost Skolem forms for relevant logics.R. K. Meyer - 1981 - Logique Et Analyse 24 (95):277.
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  41. III Professor Prasad on Working Out A Lead From Swami Vivekananda: Some Reflections.R. K. Ghosh - 1996 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 23 (3-4):476-480.
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  42. Notes on Kant's derivation of the various formulae of the categorical imperative.R. K. Gupta - 1997 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 5 (3):383 – 396.
    This article is concerned with examining Kant's derivation of the various formulae of his Categorical Imperative. It is in agreement with Paton in maintaining that Kant actually mentions five formulae. But it is not in agreement with him, and some others, in maintaining that they are ultimately reducible to three. Nor is it in agreement with those who maintain that they are ultimately reducible to just one. According to the present article, they are ultimately reducible to two: that about a (...)
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    Transient stored energy in copper and copper-3–2 at. % tin.R. K. Ham - 1967 - Philosophical Magazine 15 (134):257-259.
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  44. Dennis Shasha and Cathy Lazere, Out of Their Minds: The Lives and Discoveries of 15 Great Computer Scientists.R. K. Hill - 1997 - Minds and Machines 7:119-121.
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    The Literary Treatises of Dionysius of Halicarnassus.R. K. Hack & S. F. Bonner - 1944 - American Journal of Philology 65 (1):97.
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    Russell, Frege, and the "meaning" of the theory of descriptions (or): Did Russell know his Frege?R. K. Perkins - 1982 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 20 (4):407-423.
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    A. N. Whitehead on Good and Evil.R. K. Harrison - 1953 - Philosophy 28 (106):239 - 245.
    The many comments on good and evil found in the writings of A. N. Whitehead are exhibited in his mind against the two categories of positive and negative value. His concern in value-considerations is with the “trinity” of truth, beauty and goodness on the one hand, and with falsehood, ugliness and evil on the other. For him, “value” is a word employed for “the intrinsic reality of an event” and very frequently in his treatment of the value-theme he uses the (...)
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    Does Kant Commit the Naturalistic Fallacy?R. K. Gupta - 1974 - In Gerhard Funke, Akten des 4. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses: Mainz, 6.–10. April 1974, Teil 2: Sektionen 1,2. De Gruyter. pp. 101-108.
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  49. Testing and measurement: Advances in item response theory and selected testing practices.R. K. Hambleton & M. J. Pitoniak - 2002 - In J. Wixted & H. Pashler, Stevens' Handbook of Experimental Psychology. Wiley. pp. 4--517.
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    The Truth of Predictions.R. K. Scheer - 1972 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):129-134.
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